In the distant future, centuries after nearly all life has been wiped out by war, disease, and environmental collapse, the planet has begun to heal itself. WRACK focuses on four mutated humans, who despite being the only known people left on their world, still cannot get along.
In a burning world, wrecked by pollution, a survivor is heading towards his final destination.
After radical feminism and the emasculation of men have caused the downfall of civilization, the few...
After the apocalypse, all water is radioactive and deadly to drink. In this dystopian world, Gylian ...
In a future world mankind is about to be wiped out by a super virus. As people hide underground, the...
Two survivors of a downed reconnaissance ship are about to discover that mother nature has a powerfu...
In a nightmarish near-future Los Angeles where human blood is a hot commodity, a former criminal set...
Human extinction is almost impossible to imagine, but the notion is never far away in environmental ...
A scientist is sent forward into the future to retrieve collected information from an age of ruin th...
The world has been reduced to rubble by a massive earthquake. While no one knows for sure how far th...
In a dilapidated cyberpunk city plagued by crime and corruption, an unscrupulous District Attorney i...
A sci-fi family drama is set in two time frames: the deep future, that is left with no future, and t...
During a pandemic lockdown, Nico, a young man with rare immunity, must overcome martial law, murdero...
While fleeing from an apocalyptic mist, Ana and Adam are forced to confront an eternal dilemma: to k...
All grown up in post-apocalyptic 2018, John Connor must lead the resistance of humans against the in...
By 2017, the global economy has collapsed and U.S. society has become a totalitarian police state, c...
In a post-apocalyptic world, the residents of an apartment above the butcher shop receive an occasio...
In the year 2035, convict James Cole reluctantly volunteers to be sent back in time to discover the ...
In a world ravaged by crime, the entire island of Manhattan has been converted into a walled prison ...
A young boy searches a future world wasteland for a rumored cure for his dying mother.
Our planet was contaminated by many nuclear explosions that left the soil and the air filled with ra...