Keyla's Letter delves into the ambitions, hobbies, and interests of Keyla Aldana (she/they), the fou...
My debut short film - as I approached adulthood, I created this as a means of reflection towards ado...
A highly sophisticated program documenting the night life of Bowling Green, Ohio.
A Place To Talk covers the idea of speaking out about your mental health. In collaboration with char...
A documentary feature film which aims to expand the usually one-sided conversation between students ...
In the 1990s, rumors of recovered crashed flying saucers emerged from a phantom, top secret air base...
A group of students surround their beloved campus. But what they did was unnatural. In general, othe...
The film highlights the New Zealand student-led movement against compulsory military training during...
Due to the measures taken by the government, students have fewer and fewer prospects for a meaningfu...
A documentary about the subject of 'Film and T.V.' in schools and the students that study it.
An educational film sponsored and distributed by the Los Angeles-based Narcotic Educational Foundati...
A filmic letter to New York City, the subway, and self.
A poetic documentary in which the narrator must grapple with the grief and emotions following the de...
Whilst still grieving the loss of a close loved one, Michael (Harry Murdoch) finds that his new frie...
Students, including Aoi Nishino, take part in class and sports activity at a prestigious high school...
A tribute to our favorite mothers in horror reimagined in the late Mexico's 00´s.
Steve Moore is sixteen and lives with his younger sister, mother Cheryl and her boyfriend John, in a...
Josh Thomas is an artist grieving the loss of his wife, channelling inner turmoil into art. When pre...