Despite a series of tragedies, such as the overflowing of the river, the increase in dengue fever an...
The Iron Man takes us on an introspective journey into the life of Toni, a man who finds in art and ...
José Luis López Vázquez, an essential artist in the history of Spanish cinema, manages to find a lat...
Salvar Tenerife shows, like never before, the overexploitation to which the island of Tenerife is su...
Short film that explores the route of the Sella River, from its source in the Fuente del Infierno (L...
"The Volunteers" tells the experience of a group of medical students who travel to the north of Arge...
When a willful young man tries to venture beyond his sequestered Pennsylvania hamlet, his actions se...
Jana, a girl suffering from depression, escapes to her grandmother's country house in a desperate im...
On February 23, 1981, Spain experienced a major coup d'état that shook the country to its foundation...
Àlex and Nico decide to spend their last day together in a river pool far away from their village an...
A french writer documents the seductive power of the beautiful Carmen, who has enchanted José, a you...