This documentary focuses on the goose hunt, a ritual of central importance to the Cree people of the...
In the heart of the Boreal forest lives a family renowned as much for their gourmet forest pickings ...
A riveting expose about the personalities of murderers and their motives. This 72 minute film covers...
A cinematic and introspective look at the residents of a Quebec town—once the site of the world's la...
A documentary that explores what it means to be a young person in Quebec after the dissolution of th...
Romania is on the last place in Europe in terms of highway kilometers, but on the first place in the...
Nearly 200 years ago, the train revolutionized our lives. It redrew the maps of states and nations, ...
Kindness is Contagious profiles bleeding-edge scientists and authors from UC Berkeley, Harvard and e...
We live in a world where the powerful deceive us. We know they lie. They know we know they lie. They...
This feature-length documentary by Alanis Obomsawin examines the plight of Native people who come to...
First look inside the walls of Quebec police’s training grounds and the realities of our next genera...
From the lower St. Lawrence, a picture of whale hunting that looks more like a round-up, with a corr...