In 1970, right after the triumphant premiere of Stephen Sondheim’s groundbreaking concept musical Company, the renowned composer and lyricist, his director Harold Prince, the show’s stars, and a large pit orchestra all went into a Manhattan recording studio as part of a time-honored Broadway tradition: the making of the original cast album. What ensued was a marathon session in which, with the pressures of posterity and the coolly exacting Sondheim’s perfectionism hanging over them, all involved pushed themselves to the limit.
Film on the recording of Peter Doherty's and Frédéric Lo's 2021 album "The Fantasy Life of Poetry an...
In the late 1960s, the Beach Boys' Brian Wilson stops touring, produces "Pet Sounds" and begins to l...
In 1846, Anthony Hope sails into London with the mysterious Sweeney Todd, a once-naive barber whose ...
Franklin Shepard is a talented Broadway composer who abandons his theater career and all his friends...
Selection of Elaine Paige’s appearances on BBC TV over her four decades in show business and musical...
Award-winning actress, singer, producer and broadcaster Elaine Paige has made a unique and major con...
Making-of about the recording and release of the album Tudo Ao Mesmo Tempo Agora (1991), with the br...
Brass and percussion blend with dramatic choreography, brilliant lighting and special effects to cre...
Envy and conspiracy, but also passionate loves, jealousy, revenge and final forgiveness come togethe...
This fascinating documentary chronicles the intense rivalry between high schools in Southern Indiana...
King of disco in the 70s with the band Chic, producer of Bowie, Mick Jagger, Madonna, Daft Punk, Pha...
"On Broadway" featured Carol Channing and Pearl Bailey, both red hot after their respective runs in ...
A backstage documentary film including footage from the legendary 1985 concert performance of Stephe...
Rose Hovick lives to see her daughter June succeed on Broadway by way of vaudeville. When June marri...
In 1853 Japan, the story follows the Westernization of Japan, mainly through the story of Kayama, a ...
A wily slave must unite a virgin courtesan and his young smitten master to earn his freedom.
A creature is born from the cosmos. In his journey through the void he searches for what it means to...
On the centenary of Sarah Bernhardt's death, we take a look back at the whimsical life of the whimsi...
A compilation of interviews, rehearsals and backstage footage of Michael Jackson as he prepared for ...