"Koizumi," a mysterious and beautiful female high school student who loves ramen most played by Sakurada, is an unprecedented ramen TV series "Koizumi the second generation who loves ramen!" In the New Year of 2022, she eats ramen all the time. Come back full! The unique world view where reality and fiction coexist has gained popularity. "The second generation of Koizumi-san who loves ramen!" While enthusiastically describing his boredom at a popular ramen shop, he ate ramen with a dazed expression.
A newly-baked bun in a bakery tries to avoid getting eaten.
On a quiet street in Helsinki, Sachie has opened a diner featuring rice balls. For a month she has n...
An unemployed dry alcoholic and former smoker longs to escape his shadows in a small abandoned villa...
Follows the lives of an unemployed drunk and his son as they struggle to adapt to each other.
Yin and Lee are making dumplings in the kitchen of their restaurant. Yin is kneading dough; Lee is c...
Antoine Sforza, a thirty-year-old young man, left his village ten years before in order to start a n...
A retired and widowed Chinese master chef Chu and his family live in modern day Taipei, Taiwan. He l...
The Master’s late-night diner welcomes a woman troubled by funeral fans, an elderly scam victim, and...
Primo and Secondo, two immigrant brothers, pin their hopes on a banquet honoring Louis Prima to save...
A dreamlike short with a switch in tone making it a surreal and uneasy experience.
Snippets of conversation fly across the table as a family gathers together for lunch.
Julienne loves good food. Steak. Liver. Kidney. One could say she has an acquired taste. For a livin...
Farhaz Chowdhury, a top chef from Dhaka, first falls in love with her cooking and then with Basundha...
A widower and his daughter deal with the death of the man's wife.
France, 1789 - just before the Revolution. When talented chef Manceron is dismissed from his prestig...
An awkward fast-food worker gains a new perspective on life while competing for customers against an...